Proposal for Kerry Vesper

This is a proposal for creating and implementing marketing that will bring more client opportunities to Kerry Vesper Woodworking.

In our discussion, we spoke about three main areas in which Jazz Digital Marketing can help you attract more prospective clients.

  1. Re-writing website copy (text) to be more persuasive and focused on the reader instead of on you.
  2. Designing and implementing an email marketing strategy that attracts prospective clients and engages with your growing audience.
  3. Coaching on improving the selling process for higher conversion of inquiries and proposals into paying clients.
My preliminary scan through your website prior to our phone call didn’t catch a lot of the issues I saw after later taking a harder look. I suggest that the first order of business is to redesign your website. Please take a look at this video that reviews some of what I would like to help you improve on your site.

Re-writing website copy

I will help you convert the writing throughout the site from focusing on the details and mechanics of your work to a focus on the reader’s interest. The copy should answer questions like “How will my client benefit?” or “How will this art enhance the image of my home or office?” or how you will make the entire process easy and fulfilling for them.

We spoke about asking your clients to share with you what is important to them or what art consultants or home owners should look out for when choosing an artist or a piece for their space. This will help form the basis of your text on the site and as a result, engage potential buyers to see you as someone they can trust and relate to.

I also think that there should be short descriptions or stories related to certain pieces. Stories create interest where lists of materials or descriptions of mechanics do not.

I also recommend posting testimonials from raving fans, both from homeowners and art consultants.

Designing and implementing an email strategy

Instead of a passive marketing strategy like optimizing for search, I am recommending a proactive strategy of email marketing automation. Email continues to be the number one way to engage with current or prospective buyers.

I will work with you to set up an email account within Mailchimp. There are dozens of email marketing providers from which to choose but Mailchimp is intuitive to use and it is economical. It also has the feature set needed for an effective email strategy.

Once you collect the emails from clients as well as prospective clients who did not buy, we will send out an announcement of your redesigned website and of the possibilities of your art for them.

I am suggesting that you collect names and email addresses of the types of art consultants who hire artists for commercial spaces and the addresses of high-net-worth individuals. That should be collected by hand through search done by someone you hire.

Once that list is built, we will send out an email introduction that I will write and that you approve that encourages them to contact you. A series of value-rich follow-up emails appropriately timed will be written by both of us that follow-up on that original email.

I suggest that you create a “lead magnet” PDF document that provides a reason for people to leave their name and email from inside your site. I will design the material you provide on the topic. One example is my Reluctant Marketer eBook to the right. Another example is a piece from my client who sells original lead sheets. This booklet shows people who might be interested in his music how to develop a lead sheet into a full band arrangement. 

Yours should not be long or difficult to create. Remember, this is simply something people are getting in exchange only for their name and email. It should be an intersection of your expertise and the visitor’s interest.

Sales coaching

With all the hard work described above to get a prospective client, a more thought-out effort should be taken to convert them into a paying client. The answer of “No” is nothing more than the start of a conversation. I will help you ask better questions and provide greater value to your interaction with prospects.

My coaching starts with the idea that your conversation is not primarily about convincing them to hire you, but instead to understand what they need (some of which they may not have even considered until you brought it up) and how this consultant can go about doing the best job for their client. Whether a corporate client or home owner, show them that you are the expert in coaching them to make the best possible decision on the type of artwork, artist, location, position, care, etc. Your mindset is not simply of an artist, but as their consultant in helping them make the best decision. When all this is done well, the selling effort becomes minimal.

Website redesign

You have a couple of options. 1. I’ll make the necessary changes in Wix. Your site can be improved within the Wix platform but Wix is limited. One reason your current site looks odd on a phone is that Wix doesn’t yet have a great way to adjust for phone. Considering the huge percentage these days of people looking at your site on a phone, that’s not ideal.

2. I’ll recreate your site from scratch on WordPress. WordPress is by far the platform on which most website are built. Pretty much anything imagined can be built including perfectly responsive pages for phone, tablet, and laptop.

WordPress is also much better at search optimization. While Search should not be a primary marketing focus, every little bit helps. If a site rebuild in WordPress is a consideration, we can discuss the benefits in greater detail. There are many.

If a WordPress site is desired, hosting can be moved from Wix to my servers. You can also host on any number of hosting providers. On my servers, hosting will be billed at $25/month. Included will be traffic stats giving you insight into the pages visited and demographic detail of visitors.

The WordPress site would contain the current elements of your site. I suggest organizing them a bit differently, with the addition of a page about how to choose a wood sculpture and artist. If you decided to stay with Wix, I would add that page there as well.


Below is some basic pricing, but after discussing your desires for various aspects of my offerings, we can better dial in exactly what I will do for you and at what price. Also, we will start with one aspect of this and move to the next based on your needs, budget, and time. There obviously has to be a sequence or order to the work. For example: 1. website rework including copy rewrite, 2. email marketing, 3. sales coaching.

These prices are á la carte as separate projects. Again, once we define the full scope of work, pricing adjusts accordingly.

Rewriting sales copy: $250

Email marketing: $650 The cost depends on how much email and what types of automation you wish to have built. The above cost would cover the setup of your Mailchimp email platform, creation of a branded email template and tagging, an initial email sequence of three emails to the new list of art consultants that you develop, a different series of three emails to your list of inquiries who didn’t convert to clients, the form on your site that would add new inquiries to your ongoing email list, and reporting to you of email statistics of opens and clicks.

Sales Coaching: $50/hour

Website redesign: Redesign in Wix: $850 / Rebuild in WordPress: $1,800 (both prices include rewriting of sales copy and design of the lead magnet.)

One half of the fee for the initial project is payable upon acceptance of this agreement via a email response, and the balance is due upon mutual agreement of the work being complete and online.  

Payments can be made through Paypal, Venmo, or Zelle.
Web hosting will be billed annually for the upcoming year. Any additional work requested that is outside the scope of this proposal will be billed at $50/hour.
Any stock photography needed for the site will be approved by you and charged back at cost. Any AI-generated imagery will be created at no cost.